Srinath Mahankali

I am an undergraduate student at MIT where I am advised by Pulkit Agrawal as part of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). I am very interested in deep learning, reinforcement learning, and their application to robotics. Currently, I am working on improving exploration in deep reinforcement learning and developing energy-efficient controllers for quadruped locomotion through sim-to-real reinforcement learning.

Previously, I worked on inverse problems with Yunan Yang and studied the linear separability of one-layer neural networks with Promit Ghosal.

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Jan '25   Selected as runner-up for the CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award!
May '24   Our Random Latent Exploration paper was accepted to ICML '24!
Mar '24   Awarded the Goldwater Scholarship!
Jan '24   Our Energy Efficient Locomotion paper was accepted to ICRA '24!


sym Random Latent Exploration for Deep Reinforcement Learning
Srinath Mahankali, Zhang-Wei Hong, Ayush Sekhari, Alexander Rakhlin, Pulkit Agrawal
ICML, 2024

project page / paper / abstract

We improve exploration in both discrete and continuous control domains by optimizing random reward functions parameterized by a sampled latent vector.

sym Maximizing Quadruped Velocity by Minimizing Energy
Srinath Mahankali*, Chi-Chang Lee*, Gabriel B. Margolis, Zhang-Wei Hong, Pulkit Agrawal
ICRA, 2024

project page / paper

We train energy-efficient policies for quadruped locomotion tasks while improving task performance through constrained reinforcement learning.

sym Does Novelty-Based Exploration Maximize Novelty?
Srinath Mahankali, Zhang-Wei Hong, Pulkit Agrawal
preprint, 2023


Randomly generated rewards can explain a significant fraction of exploration improvements from novelty-based intrinsic motivation.

sym Norm-dependent convergence and stability of the inverse scattering series for diffuse and scalar waves
Srinath Mahankali, Yunan Yang
Inverse Problems, 2023

paper / abstract

We prove bounds on the convergence and stability of the inverse scattering series under different Sobolev norms, finding conditions under which the radius of convergence and stability are improved.

sym Randomly Initialized One-Layer Neural Networks Make Data Linearly Separable
Promit Ghosal, Srinath Mahankali, Yihang Sun
arXiv preprint, 2022

paper / abstract

Randomly initialized one-layer neural networks, with high probability, make datasets linearly separable.

sym sym The convexity of optimal transport-based waveform inversion for certain structured velocity models
Srinath Mahankali
SIAM Undergraduate Research Online, 2021

paper / abstract

Full waveform inversion with an optimal transport-based objective has superior convexity compared to the standard least-squares objective function for certain velocity models.

Design and source code from Jon Barron's website.